A. History Of Panji Cell
When since panji cell stand and how is history?
Panji Cell since 2009. The owners have named ensign flag cell in accordance with the store name . Initially cell banner stands just a estalase , no store because it was still looking for a buyer . But after one year running shoppers have already started many , ended up trying to build a store that precisely on the porch. Although the capital to build a store assisted with parents . And after three years of running banner cell already many buyers who know , especially in the region and around the store there is a pulse counter . Of the various names of the many visitors who buy them . And now who continued his effort was named Yuni .
B. Product sales and capital
What is product sales and how is capital?
Initially the products are sold all types of telecom cards , such as XL , AXIS , SIMPATI , AS , MENTARI and IM3 . When the initial capital of Rp . 5,000,000 along with cheap mobile phones to conduct business . And in running the business using the system " multichip " ( The pulse charging transactions for all types of cards with just one phone ) . But after the passage of time " multichip " there is often a nuisance , so switching pulse charging system with " M - Tronik " ( Every phone is different transaction pulse charging ) . And when the initial capital > Rp . 5,000,000 along with cheap mobile phones for every type of card . The products are sold as XL , AXIS , SIMPATI,MENTARI and IM3 .
C. Location
Whether the place of sale is strategic?
Selling place is strategic because it is close to the traditional market that everyone wants to market must have passed through the shop .
D. Price
How the price sold for each product?
The price of each of each type of card is affordable and always follow market price .
Rp 5.000
Rp 7.000
Rp 10.000
Rp 12.000
Rp 20.000
Rp 22.000
Rp 50.000
Rp 52.000
Rp 100.000
Rp 102.000
E. Advantages and Disadvantages
How is advantages and disadvantages?
Ø Advantages
Advantages Rp 50.000 - Rp 80.000 / day
Ø Disadvantages
If the loss is usually when the wrong number in the pulse charging .
F. The products were sold
Sympathy , because more users are purchasing here sympathy. Sympathy is usually the product can be sold in a week and charging the balance of sympathy ( Telkomsel ) amounting to Rp 3,000,000 / week
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